2011年mba试题英语阅读练习及答案(一):Children display an amazing ability to become fluent speakers of any language consistently spoken around them. Every normal child, not brought up in virtual isolation from language, soon comes to speak one or more languages natively……【详细】
2011年mba试题之阅读练习(一):The researchers from Ohio University used a database hat covered more than 10,000 firms and more than 64,000 different directors between 1989 and 2004. Then they simply checked which directors stayed from one proxy statement to the next……【详细】
2011年在职mba试题附答案3:Americans eat ________as they actually need every day. A twice as much protein B protein twice as much C twice protein as much D protein as twice much……【详细】
2011年在职mba试题附答案2:Their watch is ______to all the other watchers on the market. A superior B super C beneficial D advantageous……【详细】
2011年在职mba试题附答案1:2.Should primary education also be compulsory in rural and remote areas? A.required B.necessary C.select D.permanent……【详细】
MBA试题逻辑模拟测试题三:体育竞赛是需要体力、耐力和技巧的,首先需要的是身体健康。在最近几次奥运会比赛 上,我国运动员都取得了较好的成绩,这意味着我国人民健康水平有了极大的提高。……【详细】
MBA试题逻辑模拟测试题二:某岛上的土著居民分为骑士和无赖两部分。骑士只讲真话,无赖只讲假话。甲和乙分别是该岛上的两个土著居民。关于他俩,甲说了以下这句话: "或者我是无赖,或者乙是骑士。" 根据以上条件,可推出以下哪项结论?……【详细】