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育龙MBA网    mba.china-b.com    发布时间:2011年05月05日    来源:


  1. He proved himself a ________ successor to the former Prime Minister.

  A. worthwhile   B. worthiness    C. worthy   D. worth

  2. Your radio is too loud, turn the ________ down.

  A. volume    B. voice    C. sound    D. tone

  3. The Channel Tunnel is one of the biggest engineering projects ever ________.

  A. understated   B. undertaken    C. undergone   D. underneath

  4. He comes from a poor country village in the mountains, so it's very hard for him to pay the whole school year's ________ at one time.

  A. money    B. fare     C. fees    D. tuition

  5. Anthony is a very ________ person and never wastes anything.

  A. miserly    B. thrifty     C. economic  D. conservative

  6. He is seriously ill because his girlfriend has just deserted him. Why don't you try some occupational ________ to remove his mind from distress?

  A. operation    B. therapy    C. injection   D. medicine

  7. The government used their emergency powers to ________ the truth about the accident.

  A. suppress   B. manipulate    C. control   D. manage

  8. The ________ of the member countries is supposed to be held recently at Geneva.

  A. summit    B. summary    C. suffering   D. summon

  9. The ghostly presence was just a (n)_________ sensation of some people.

  A. objective    B. subjunctive   C. subjective   D. objected

  10. The company is on the verge of bankruptcy, and thousands of jobs are at ________.

  A. danger    B. loss     C. threat    D. stake

  11. The ________ of these islands is still in dispute and the three countries are to have a conference next month to settle the issue.

  A. sovereignty   B. right     C. authority   D. power

  12. That organization __________ persons of different political stands.

  A. owns     B. embraces    C. composes   D. consists

  13. We would never have secured our independence without the aid you ______.

  A. pursued    B. requested    C. presented   D. rendered

  14. Women are ________ against the restrictions on job opportunities.

  A. proceeding    B. negative    C. revolving   D. urgent

  15. I was unaware of the critical points involved, so my choice was quite _________.

  A. artistic    B. artificial    C. arbitrary   D. mechanical

  16. Sometimes the student may be asked to write about his ________ to a certain book or article that has some bearing on the subject being studied.

  A. impression    B. reaction    C. comprehension  D. sentiment

  17. We'd decided to sell our car, but then we began to have second ________.

  A. plans     B. minds     C. ideas    D. thoughts

  18. The mystery guest on the show is ________ other than the President.

  A. no     B. none     C. not    D. nothing

  19. During the recession they ________ the workers off for three months.

  A. gave     B. laid     C. called    D. dropped

  20. I haven't enough money to buy a car, so I just have to do _______.

  A. nothing    B. none     C. without   D. nobody

Vocabulary Test 

  1. 答案为C.worthwhile意思是"值得花费时间,金钱或精力的".worthy可以表示"值得尊重或者考虑的",用这一意思时通常做定语.worthiness是worthy的名词形式.worth用作表语,意思是"有某种价值的;值得(做某事)".本句需要填入一个作定语的形容词,

  2. 答案为A.volume意思是"音量,响度",voice意思是"嗓音",sound意思是"声,声音,声响",tone指"音调,音质;语气,腔调;(乐器的)音质,音色".

  3. 答案为B.understate意思是"有节制地陈述或表达;少说,少报",undertake意思是"承担,负起 的责任",undergo意为"经历,经受;接受,承受",underneath意为"在的下面(介词);在下面,向下(副词);底部,底面(名词)".

  4. 答案为D.money泛指"金钱,货币";fare指(公共汽车,轮船,计程车等的)票价;fee指付给私人教师,医生等的服务费,酬金;tuition尤指大专院校的学费.

  5. 答案为B.miserly意思是"似守财奴的,吝啬的",thrifty意思是"节检的,节约的",economic意思是"经济学的,经济的",conservative意思是"保守的,守旧的".

  6. 答案为B.operation指"手术",therapy指"疗法",injection指"注射",medicine指"医术,医学;药".occupational therapy指"职业疗法",即给患者创造性或生产性工作以治疗其身心某些疾病的方法.

  7. 答案为A.suppress意思是"阻止 被知道或看到",manipulate指"熟练地控制或操纵(某事物)",control意思是"控制",manage意思是"负责(谋事物),管理,经营".

  8. 答案为A.summit意思是"峰会,首脑会晤",summary意为"小结",suffering指肉体或内心的痛苦,summon意为"传唤,传讯;(法院的)传票".

  9. 答案为C.objective意为"客观的",subjunctive意为"虚拟语气的",subjective意为"主观的",object意思是"反对,抗议",作动词.

  10. 答案为D .at a loss意思是"不知如何是好,茫然,不知所措",at stake 指"凶吉难卜,好坏无法预料".可以说in danger 或under threat,但不可以说at danger或at threat.

  11. 答案为A.sovereignty指"国家主权";right指"对某事物的正当要求,做某事的权利",通常说right to sth./to do sth.;authority指"权利,权威;职权,权限",power指"(人的)能力,(生理或精神上的)能力;操纵力,影响力;职权,权势".

  12. 答案为B.own尤指以法定权利拥有某物;embrace 表示"欣然接受";compose意为"创作(乐曲或诗歌)",表示"由……构成"时,应用be composed of 这一表达;consist of 意思是"由……构成".根据题意及各选项的用法,正确答案为B.

  13. 答案为D.pursue意为"追求追逐",request意为"口头或书面的要求,请求",present表示"授予,赠予;介绍,引见;提出;呈递"等意思,render意为"给予".

  14. 答案为A. proceed against sb. 意为"起诉某人";negative用作形容词意为"拒绝的,怀疑的,不同意的";revolve意为"反复思考,被仔细考虑";urgent意为"紧急的,极力主张的". B,C,D三项均不与against 连用.

  15. 答案为C.artistic意为"艺术的,艺术家的;富有艺术创造力的";artificial意为"人工的;虚假的;人为的";arbitrary意为"任意的;武断的";mechanical意为"机械的;机械似的,呆板的".

  16. 答案为A.impression意为"(人,事件,经历等留下的)印象",reaction意为"反应",comprehension意为"理解,理解力",sentiment意为"情绪,伤感".考易网

  17. 答案为D.second thoughts意思是"(经重新考虑后)改变想法".

  18. 答案为B.none other than固定短语,用以加强语气.句意为:该节目的神秘嘉宾不是别人,正是总统.

  19. 答案为B.lay sb. off意思是"暂时解雇(工人)".

  20. 答案为C.do without意思是"没有 也行.




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